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How To Cancel LegalZoom

Subscriptions in a Few Minutes

Learn how to cancel LegalZoom subscriptions with our step-by-step guide. Discover how much you can save after canceling and explore alternatives to LegalZoom.

To cancel your LegalZoom Subscription, follow these easy steps:

Step 1

Call customer service at (800) 773-0888

How to cancel LegalZoom subscription.webpStep 2

Request to speak with a representative.

Step 3

Provide your customer details and ask to cancel your account.

Step 4

You'll get a confirmation email.

LegalZoom Refund Policy

LegalZoom's refund policy is specific to the service or product you’ve purchased. Generally, they may offer refunds within a specified timeframe, with eligibility depending on the type of service.

For instance, legal document preparation or business formation services might have different refund terms than subscription-based services.

There's typically a cancellation period during which you can request a refund, but this period can vary.

To find out the exact policy for LegalZoom refunds, get in touch with the customer care team.

They can tell you more about their eligibility conditions, refund amount, necessary documents, and how to apply for refunds in the first place.

Looking through LegalZoom's terms and conditions before purchasing is always necessary.

How Much Can You Save After Canceling Your Legalzoom Subscription?

When canceling an order with LegalZoom, refunds are typically granted according to the terms outlined in the LegalZoom Guarantee.

So, it's challenging to state the exact amount you will save after canceling your LegalZoom subscription.

As for subscriptions, refunds for payments made during the original subscription dates will not be returned even if these services were not used on those dates.

This policy should be considered as a factor that can lead to not getting back the past payments for a subscription when you decide to stop using LegalZoom.

Where to Invest that amount?

Deciding where to invest refunded amounts from LegalZoom depends on your financial goals. The following are some options you should consider.

High-Yield Savings Account

Opt for a high-yield savings account with competitive interest rates to earn more on your savings while maintaining liquidity. 

Dividend-Paying Stocks

Try investing in a company that offers regular dividends. This will give you another additional source of income.  

Art or Collectibles

Art pieces and collectibles can be another avenue if you are interested in art and want to be involved in a way that will bring you financial returns over the years.  

Health and Wellness

Balancing your life by going to the gym, eating healthy, and choosing wellness programs can make a difference in the future.  

Emergency Fund

If you don’t already have a savings account or emergency fund, consider reallocating that portion of the refund away from extraneous spending. You should set aside 3 - 6 months' living expenses for emergencies.

You can use Beem to get a little boost with easy access to emergency funds. You can also use the Beem Super App to buy affordable car insurance, shop for low-interest personal loans, open high-yield savings accounts to make your money grow, and save money on taxes.


Alternatives to LegalZoom

When looking for options other than LegalZoom, several platforms provide a range of services to cater to different requirements. 

Rocket Lawyer

Rocket Lawyer is recognized for its offerings, which include drafting documents, offering legal guidance, and facilitating consultations with attorneys. 


Avvo distinguishes itself as a platform that connects individuals with lawyers based on reviews, ratings, and areas of expertise, making it easier to locate representatives. Through legal forms and informative articles, 


Nolo offers do-it-yourself tools covering various subjects such as estate planning and business establishment. 


UpCounsel is an online marketplace connecting businesses with experienced lawyers for tailored legal services, accommodating specific needs and budgets. 


LegalShield offers legal plans granting access to attorneys for advice, document review, and representation, making it suitable for individuals, families, and small businesses seeking legal assistance. 

Your LegalZoom subscription may show up on your statement:




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