
Financial Planning for Life After Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Breast Cancer is not just tough on the body but on the finances as well. It is better that you plan for your financial journey along with the journey to treat your cancer. Here’s how you can do that!
Financial Planning for Life After Breast Cancer Diagnosis
Two of the biggest expenses for breast cancer patients are the cost of the treatment and drugs. There are various government and nonprofit assistance programs for women battling breast cancer. We explore all you need to know about financial planning after breast cancer diagnosis.
In this article

Battling cancer is a life-changing journey physically and mentally. More so when it comes to financial planning for life after a breast cancer diagnosis. Surviving the battle against cancer is very tough and it doesn’t begin after the treatment is done but when the diagnosis takes place.

It is not just tough on the body but on the finances as well. It is better that you plan for your financial journey along with the journey to treat your cancer. 

October is breast cancer awareness month and so we dedicate this article to all the strong and powerful women fighting and surviving breast cancer. There is no need to put a full stop to living a happy life because of cancer. Let us help you manage your finances so you can also enjoy your life after being diagnosed with breast cancer.

A Survivorship Plan 

Everyone’s requirement is different and the same applies to the survivors of breast cancer. A plan that fits one may not with the other one. It is important that you look after your requirements and state the same before making a plan. You should make a list of the following things.

  • Exercise and diet plan. 
  • Follow-up tests and screenings.
  • Late side effects on long-term symptoms. 
  • Support for mental health.
  • Health Insurance and follow-up costs.

Medical assistance will cost you money. And thus it is better that you do your financial planning and discuss the same with your loved ones about creating a survivorship plan for you. Two of the biggest expenses for breast cancer patients are the cost of treatment and drugs. You can get assistance for both of them as mentioned below. 

See also about: 7 Financial Tips For Women to Have a Stable Future

Financial Planning After Surviving Breast Cancer 

Cancer doesn’t just take a toll all on your emotions but on your finances as well. It is always advisable that you consult an expert who can assist you with your needs. There are various Government and nonprofit assistance programs for women battling breast cancer. We have listed a few of those programs below.

  • CancerCare
  • The HealthWell Foundation
  • American Cancer Society (ACS) 
  • CancerCare’s Linking A.R.M.S. program
  • Partnership for Prescription Assistance
  • The Pink Fun
  • Hope for Young Adults with Cancer 
  • Patient Advocate Foundation Co-Pay Relief
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI) 
  • RXAssist
  • Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)
  • United Way’s 2-1-1 Program
  • Stupid Cancer 
  • Compassionate Allowance

Assistance for Medicine 

Different pharmaceutical firms also offer breast cancer patients medicines at a lower cost or in many cases without charging anything based on their eligibility. Such websites of companies include the following.

  • GlaxoSmithKline
  • AstraZeneca
  • Merck and Co.
  • Sanofi Aventis
  • Lilly Oncology
  • Pfizer
  • Genentech, Inc.
  • Abbvie Patient Assistance
  • Novartis Pharmaceuticals

A Helping Hand

It is alright to ask for help after you have given up the fight to save your life. You should have all the required documents and lists ready before contacting any organization for help. 

It is a benefit to call a non-profit organization on the first business day of any month because that’s the time when they receive funding and you will get help on a quicker basis. You can also contact your relatives and friends to be at least supportive mentally if not financially. That goes a long way and gives emotional support if you have someone to love and care for you.

The Bottom Line

Beem has your back in situations like this. We are here just for moments like this in your life to help you live life to the fullest uninterrupted by money problems. When you need that extra cash in hand to get through the month with the rest of your savings going into treatment, use Beem to subscribe, get cash now and pay later. A little help from us will go a long way in helping you get back on your feet.

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Devanshee Dave

Devanshee Dave

With over 4 years of experience in financial writing and a master’s degree in mass communication & journalism, Devanshee is currently preparing for her CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) exams. In her spare time, she likes to dance and learn about cosmology, astronomy and anything that can expand her knowledge from the big bang to the big crunch.


This page is purely informational. Beem does not provide financial, legal or accounting advice. This article has been prepared for informational purposes only. It is not intended to provide financial, legal or accounting advice and should not be relied on for the same. Please consult your own financial, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transactions.

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