8 yoga poses you should adopt in 2023

The many benefits of yoga are not unknown to people. As the entire world is adopting the yoga route, let’s learn about eight yoga poses for a healthier 2023.

December 20 2022 | Sreetama Basu

8 yoga poses you should adopt in 2023

As the new year is around the corner, it’s time to get you resolutions in place. The one resolution on everyone’s list is getting healthier. But, like most resolutions, this falls apart in no time, for various reasons, like setting unrealistic goals.

Yoga, however, is something we can all incorporate into our daily lives at our own pace. Each yoga pose has its unique characteristics. Here are 8 poses that should be a part of your fitness routine in 2023.



Savasana is basically lying down still. It might sound easy, and like it’s not much, but even lying still is great for your health. This pose helps release tension and lower your heart rate and is a great pose for beginners. It’s simple, yet effective.

For Savasana, you need to lie down on the floor on your back in a relaxed manner, with your head and limbs resting on the floor. You can even find a side position to lie, as per your comfort.

Viparita Karani

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This is a ‘legs up the wall’ yoga pose. This pose stretches out your hamstrings, supports your blood circulation, and relaxes you at the same time. When you raise your legs to a level above your heart, it activates and regulates the blood circulation back to the heart. This pose also targets any swelling in the legs.

For Viparita Karani, you need to sit with your right side against the wall. Now rotate and raise your legs up against the wall, while resting your left elbow on the floor. Lower your torso so that you are in a position where you are lying back with your heels against the wall.

Adho Mukha Svanasana

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This is the ‘downward facing dog’ position, a beginner level pose, that is versatile and packs in loads of health benefits. It enhances flexibility from head to toe, as well helps with back pain and core strength. While you are in the downward facing position, it creates a lot of pull in your lower back and thus takes off the pressure off your spine. In this pose, the hamstrings and calves get stretched as well.

To begin with, rest your hands and knees on the floor. Next, raise your hips towards the ceiling and press your shoulders down and back, while pressing the balls of your feet on the floor and straightening your legs. Make sure not to put too much pressure on your knees.

Try bending your knee, one at a time, to feel the stretch through your calves and hamstrings.


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The cat-cow stretch is the best yoga pose to adopt in 2023 to target back pain and flexibility. This is a fusion of two gentle but dynamic poses that work on your back muscles and mobilizes the spinal joints.

Start with your neck in a neutral position and get on your hands and knees, with your wrists directly under your shoulders and knees under your hips. Arch your back so that your belly reaches the mat, and get into a cow pose while inhaling, lifting your chest and chin. While exhaling, get into a cat pose. Pull your navel in while rounding your back and dropping your head towards the floor.



The knees to chest pose enhances flexibility and helps manage back pain by stretching your lumbar spine. In this pose, you rock gently from side to side, giving your lower back muscles a massage and relieving back pain.

Start by laying on your back, with your hips and knees bent and hands against your knees. Hug your knees to your chest, draw your navel inwards to your spine and exhale. Return to the starting position as your inhale.

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

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This is the bridge pose that strengthens your core and glutes. As your core strengthens, there is less pressure on your back. It also stretches the front of your hips, which tends to stiffen up after you have been sitting for long periods.

Start by lying on your back, arms on your sides. Place your feet hip-width apart keeping your feet flat on the floor directly under your knees. Raise your hips by engaging your core and glutes, and make sure that your knees to shoulders are in a straight line.

Baddha Konasana

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This is known as the Cobbler’s Pose, or the Bound Angle Pose. It opens up your hips and helps with flexibility.

For Baddha Konasana, start by sitting with your legs stretched out in front of you. Bend your knees and bring your heels towards your body. Press the soles of your feet together and make your knees fall out to the sides.

Next, draw in your heels as close as you can, but make sure you are comfortable. Keep an elongated spine and press your shoulders down away from your ears.



Known as the Locust Pose, this is great for your flexibility and back pain.

Start by lying on your stomach with your forehead on the mat, arms on your sides and with your palms facing down. Keep your neck in a neutral position, lift and arch your chest, legs and arms off the floor.

Next, raise your arms, getting them parallel to the floor. Stretch from your shoulders through the fingertips, keeping your neck long and your gaze ahead. Hold on to this for three to five breath cycles and then slowly return to the starting position.

Getting fitter in 2023 is just 8 yoga poses away. Fitness is not an activity, it’s a lifestyle, and the best way to go about it is to be gradual and consistent. Incorporate these 8 yoga poses in your routine for a healthier 2023.

Author - Sreetama Basu

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