Aerial yoga: Why it’s a great workout for women

Aerial yoga involves doing poses in the air while hanging from a hammock. Let’s dig deeper to know the benefits and know-how of aerial yoga.

September 30 2022 | Vidhi Hamirwasia

Aerial yoga: Why it’s a great workout for women

Aerial yoga has been the talk of the show in recent years. The color hammocks and the unconventional workout style have piqued the interest of many. This yoga practice creatively integrates the concept of the exercise with a set of poses (asanas) and aerial-dance motions that foster a mind-body connection. The hammock's goal is to provide support while simultaneously promoting flexibility and range of motion. It also relieves pressure on specific parts of the body, allowing you to achieve more strenuous positions, such as headstands easily.

Benefits of aerial yoga

Yoga has long been praised for improving mental, spiritual and physical wellness. A study conducted on aerial yoga indicated that participants enjoy the same benefits as those associated with low to moderate-intensity aerobic exercise. Apart from this, there are other advantages to aerial yoga. Some advantages include progressing in your inversions, which improves blood supply to the brain and developing your core strength and flexibility.

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Reduces chronic stress

One of the key benefits of yoga is reducing ongoing stress. As alignment is essential for joint and spine health, spending long periods in asanas activates the parasympathetic nervous system. This is what helps you relax and emerge from the fight-flight-freeze reaction when you are under stress.

Boosts gut health

A study conducted on people indicated how yoga helped people with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). These results imply that yoga, either as a stand-alone therapy or in conjunction with conventional treatment, may be an effective way to reduce the severity of IBS. It also suggests that postures aimed at the lower abdomen can promote energy circulation throughout the intestines, decreasing the symptoms.

Improves mental health

According to research, aerial practice (both skill-based and performative) helped enhance participants' mental health levels. While physical changes such as enhanced strength were shown, there were positive psychological improvements and social experiences were observed in the groups as well.

Tips for beginners

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Aerial yoga can be tricky if you have no prior experience. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Choose the right space

Not all yoga studios provide aerial training. Whether you can't find a class near you, see if your favorite yoga instructor knows anyone who is certified. You may be able to arrange for low-cost private or semi-private sessions in your house or a studio.

Consistency is key

Aerial yoga can initially seem strange. After all, you're performing yoga in the air. Finding your rhythm might take a few classes. So be consistent and you'll find your flow!

Dress it up

Wearing tighter clothes is recommended in this type of yoga. When you're upside down, wearing loose or baggy clothing can make you feel exposed. To avoid chafing, you should wear long-sleeved clothes.

Simply show up

You don't have to be in perfect physical condition or possess exceptional upper-body power. Worry not! You can gradually increase your strength and endurance by taking beginner lessons.

Plan and prepare

Always carry a bottle of water to stay hydrated. Come with an open mind, and the willingness to believe in your movement style and instructors.

Aerial yoga is a fantastic method to reduce stress, develop strength, improve flexibility and build a bond between your mind and body. Many people claim that it can also boost self-esteem and encourage body positivity. It's also so fun!

While aerial yoga has more potential risks than mat-based yoga, it can also be quite safe when performed properly. Just make sure to practice under the guidance of a trained professional. Lastly, aerial yoga is not recommended if you are pregnant, have heart, blood pressure or eye conditions.

Author - Vidhi Hamirwasia

Disclaimer : Beem Wellness provides general education on health and wellness. The content on this blog, website or any linked material is not intended and should not be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should immediately consult your health care provider.

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