Benefits of yoga: Why it’s good for you

Yoga is beyond just posing on the mat. It brings wisdom. It’s a type of meditation where you listen to nobody else but yourself.

August 23 2022 | Simra Sadaf
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Benefits of yoga: Why it’s good for you

Yoga has the ability to take your mind, body, and soul to the present moment, where life actually exists. One of the main benefits of yoga is that your mind isn’t wandering anymore, stressing out about unpaid bills, or worrying about work deadlines. It’s a spiritual practice that opens our hearts, improves our awareness, and helps us focus on bettering our inner selves.

Yoga benefits not only the mind but also the overall physical well-being of people of all ages. It’s beneficial if you are recovering from an injury, heartbreak, or the loss of a loved one.

Benefits of yoga

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Is yoga good for you? Absolutely. Yoga incorporates meditation and healing which contributes to the overall health of a human being. The purpose of yoga is to build a connection between your mind, body, and soul. You can take a yoga class if you want to be trained by a professional. You can also watch YouTube videos and start meditating in your home. Below are some of the benefits of yoga.

Helps in flexibility and balance

The Tree Pose (Vrikshasana) in yoga can help strengthen your body. It helps you learn how to balance yourself and be flexible. You must balance yourself on one foot while the other is on your calf or knee. Ensure that it’s not at a 90-degree angle.

Maintain the posture for a minute while deep breathing. The combination of slow movements and deep breathing can build strength, increase the blood flow in the body and warm up your muscles.

Increases your self-esteem

It’s no secret that most of us have insecurities and suffer from low-self esteem. We tend to handle this by indulging in negative habits like drinking and smoking. This can be fatal to our health.

If you begin to practice meditation, you will realize you are worthy of being in this world. Many yogi philosophers teach that people are a manifestation of the divine. You will start to feel this divinity when you give your body a chance to meditate.

Helps you manage stress

You can get rid of your daily stress by following the Savasana, known as ‘Corpse Pose’. You have to lie down. Stretch out your limbs gently. Your palms should face up. Clear your mind while breathing deeply. Don’t think about anything. Focus on breathing and can hold this pose for 5 to 15 minutes.

Yoga reduces the way our mind fluctuates every once an hour. One of the benefits of yoga for women and men is that it helps us with our drastically changing mood swings and other predicaments which affect our mental health. Yoga helps in managing that fluctuation. It also helps us develop healthy eating habits, promotes weight loss, and improves the quality of sleep.

Helps your heart health

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Yoga can improve the health of your cardiovascular system. Try the Downward Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Savasana) to tone the arms and legs. It helps in reducing body-wide inflammation and keeps your heart healthy. This is one of the most widely recognized yoga poses of all time.

Get on your hands and knees on the floor. Curl your toes under and bring your sitting bones up. Your body should look like a triangle now. Extend and stretch your spine while pressing through the palms of your hands and the balls of your feet. Pull your pelvis up toward the ceiling using the triceps in your upper arms which will help in stabilizing your form.

Helps in relieving back pain

Yoga is similar to stretching and eases back pain. The Cat-Cow Pose (Chakravakasana) will improve your posture and it’s ideal for those struggling with chronic lower back pain.

Start with keeping your hands and knees in the table pose. Keep your spine neutral. As you inhale and move into cow pose, let your stomach drop to the floor. Allow your belly to sink. Then, lift your head and exhale as you arch your spine as a cat stretches after waking up from a deep slumber.

Some other yoga benefits include:

  • Boosts immunity and lowers blood sugar

  • Protects the spine and soothes sinuses

  • There are chances yoga will strengthen your bones

  • Yoga helps with weariness and alleviates the feeling of burnout

  • Relaxes tension in your limbs

  • Maintains your nervous system

  • Gives your lungs room to breathe

  • Can ease symptoms of arthritis

  • Boost your energy and mood

  • Generally what makes you happier and improves the overall quality of life

Yoga encourages self-care. It calms your mind, cultivates resilience, and helps you in healing at your own pace. It takes time to get your postures correct. With practice and diligence, you will master this art of meditation.

Author - Simra Sadaf

Disclaimer : Beem Wellness provides general education on health and wellness. The content on this blog, website or any linked material is not intended and should not be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should immediately consult your health care provider.

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