Top 5 yoga poses every woman should try

Whether you’re a beginner or an ace, these five poses can help boost the mental and physical health of every woman.

July 27 2022 | Madhavi Shivaprasad

Top 5 yoga poses every woman should try

Each resembling an object, these poses can equally relax and inspire any woman to take that extra step toward healthy living. Don’t worry, you don’t need to be an expert to do all of them…only some. So, let’s stretch! 

If 80% of the health benefits come from the food we eat, the rest of the 20% comes from keeping your body active and alert. Yoga can help us do this, regardless of your age. Some yoga poses can be especially helpful for women (also for others who menstruate) to regulate hormonal and physical changes that occur during various stages of their menstrual life. 

Here are five yoga poses that can improve women’s mental and physical fitness.

The Child’s Pose (Shishuasana)

The child’s pose is beneficial for working mothers. Practicing this pose relieves the day’s stress and helps women’s bodies regain their calmness to help you concentrate on things that matter. Begin by kneeling on the floor, with toes together. Inhale and bend forward to bring the torso between your thighs. Touch your face to the ground. Keep your hands pressed to the ground and relax the other body parts. Do this for 15 minutes every day as the first step to a stress-free life. 

The Garland Pose (Malasana)

This yoga pose is excellent for stretching your thighs. Stand on the mat with your feet slightly apart. Slowly get into the squatting position.  Begin by standing on the mat with the feet slightly wider. Join your hands together in the Namaskar pose and gently push your thighs with your elbows as wide as you can. Keep your spine elongated and widen your chest as you bring your hips down. This asana relieves thigh and neck tension and also stretches the rest of the lower body. 

The Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)

It’s all about the balance. Give this asana just 10 minutes a day in your life to stir your self-confidence and inner peace. This asana can teach you to remain calm and unmoved like a tree during a storm. To practice this asana, keep one foot on the ground and gently bring the other to the inner thigh. Continue to balance your body on one foot. Bring your palms together in the prayer pose and close your eyes. Keep your body in a straight line throughout.

The Boat Pose (Navasana)

Perfect for those busy days, this asana can help tone women’s abs and thigh muscles, and stretches the spine. Resembling a boat, this asana can be great to improve women’s physical fitness. Balance your weight on your buttocks. Raise your legs to be at a right angle with your upper body and stretch your arms towards them. 

The Plow Pose (Halasana)

An advanced asana that stretches the whole body. The pose looks like a plow in practice. Lie on the mat and relax your body. Bring your feet up in the air slightly. Gently push down on the ground with your palms to raise your legs and back further. Bring your toes to the ground at the back of your head. Keep your shoulders, neck, and head on the ground. Raise your arms back to clasp your toes, pressing them firmly to the mat.

Now that you know these bendy moves theoretically, put them to practical use and lead a healthy life. 

Author - Madhavi Shivaprasad

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